Become familiar with the contents, purpose and impact of the survey
One UMMS One ASK Ambassador & Manager Resources
Thank you for being an ambassador for One UMMS One ASK, either through your role as a manager or because you were selected by a leader at your organization.
Ambassadors are influencers who are trusted and respected by coworkers and organization leaders. They are advocates for and champions of the One UMMS | One Ask survey.
Managers are also advocates for and champions of the survey. They will have access to state-of-the-art survey dashboards and tools with links to action planning and resources that include best practices.
The responsibilities of the One UMMS One ASK ambassadors and managers are to:
We have experienced—and continue to experience—one of the most difficult times in our System’s history. Together, we will emerge stronger from it individually and as an organization. There is no more important time to shape the future of UMMS. The input and information gathered now will inform decisions for years to come. Thank you for dedicating time and effort toward encouraging participation in this important survey.
Here are some important tools for ambassadors and managers.
Ambassador Orientation Sessions
All orientation sessions are now complete. Download this PDF for Ambassador timeline and participation strategies.
- Introducing One UMMS One ASK
- Driving Health Care Excellence (by Press Ganey)
Presentation Templates
Download and customize this presentation to share with team members in your area.
FAQs for Ambassadors
What are the main responsibilities of the One UMMS One ASK ambassador?
- Partner with leaders to actively encourage survey participation.
- Communicate the goals of the survey.
- Help colleagues access the survey and resources.
- Provide answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
- Address staff concerns.
Do ambassadors and managers have access to their teams’ responses?
Only Press Ganey has access to survey responses. Ambassadors are trusted and respected by coworkers and organization leaders who are advocates for and champions of the survey. Managers, who are responsible for building and delivering on action plans, will have access to state-of-the-art dashboards and tools on Press Ganey’s results website with links to action planning and resources that include best practices.
What percentage of team members are you hoping to complete the survey?
We encourage everyone to complete a survey so that we will have as many viewpoints as possible to understand where transformation is needed across the System. Our goal is 100% participation.
How will response rates and results be shared?
The One UMMS One ASK Steering Committee will share response rates after the survey closes. Results will be analyzed and summarized by Press Ganey, and then made available on the survey webpage at
What should I tell a team member who doesn’t understand the importance of the survey?
Health care is personal. The only way to improve the care we provide to our patients and the experience we create for our team members is to hear from the people who carry out our mission across our System. Leaders are committed to listening to and acting on the results of this survey. All staff are key.
What tools are available to me as an ambassador?
We want to equip you with all the information you need to encourage participation from your coworkers. This includes message points, explainer videos, presentation templates, a detailed orientation and support for developing your own incentive programs at your unit level.
What has been done with results from past surveys?
Results and plans from past surveys vary by organization. Results and action plans from One UMMS One ASK will be developed with accountability at both the System level and at each member organization.
How frequently will UMMS conduct this comprehensive survey?
It is important to survey frequently enough to capture developments, and far enough apart for progress to be made. We expect to begin a frequency of every 18 to 24 months to conduct the One UMMS | One ASK survey.
Are team members paid to complete the survey during work hours?
All team members are encouraged to take the survey and will be provided time to do so while at work with manager approval. We estimate that it will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the survey. This means that UMMS is investing approximately $300,000 to ensure all team members’ voices are heard.
Message Points
View message points for talking with your colleagues or download a copy here.
- Health care is personal.
The only way to improve the care we provide to our patients and the experience we create for our team members is to hear from the people who carry out our mission across our System. All staff are key.
- You’ll only be asked once.
The One UMMS | One ASK survey is a new, comprehensive survey for all UMMS team members and physicians. It combines the multiple surveys we conducted each year in the past into one comprehensive survey. These include engagement, safety and nursing Magnet.
- Leaders are committed to listening to and acting on the results.
Leaders across our System seek to understand where transformation is needed and to create and sustain an engaged, patient-centered culture where all staff are key. One UMMS | One ASK is designed to deliver that understanding and, ultimately, a transformed One UMMS culture.
- Your responses are confidential.
UMMS hired an outside vendor to run the survey and provide us with data. Your individual responses will never be identified or revealed.
- Your voice is important.
This survey is a great way to have your voice heard at UMMS about critical issues. Nothing can change or improve unless you share your valuable perspectives.
- It’s easy to complete.
You’ll be able to take it anywhere, anytime from any device with internet access using a link that is all yours. Alternate options for completing the survey will be made available.
- I’m here if you have questions.
And you can find FAQs and more information at
- One UMMS One ASK is like the U.S. Census: don’t be underrepresented!
The more people we hear from the more likely we are to get the needed results.
Ask a Question about One UMMS One ASK
Answers to Your Questions
Answering Your Questions
Answers to questions submitted on our One UMMS One ASK form.
How many questions are there for nurses?
If team members have access to UMMS email at home, can they take the survey at there?
Yes. If are using your UMMS email account, you can access the survey anywhere that you can access your UMMS email.
Can I forward the survey email to my personal email address?
UMMS email guidelines advise against sharing or forwarding email from your UMMS account.
At what level of team member responsibility will the action plans and results be accessible?
Action plans will be visible to all team members, and leaders will be encouraged to work with their team members in developing the plans.
If team members express concern about the confidentiality of the responses because they work in a small departments, how should I address that concern?
Protecting confidentiality is of utmost concern in this survey. If a department has less than five responses from team members, those results are rolled up to the combined results of the next supervisory level. Based on Press Ganey’s experience in surveying large workforces, this number protects the responses of an individual team member.
Do Ambassadors have the ability to monitor participation?
Only managers have direct access to real-time reports that monitor responses rates. Please coordinate with managers in your area to keep track of participation rates during the survey period.
Can you provide a QR code that can be used to take this survey to make it easier and faster to access?
Our fliers distributed throughout member organizations include a QR code that links to the main survey page where team members or physicians who do not have an UMMS email address on file can easily access the survey. All other team member and physicians with UMMS email addresses will receive their survey link directly in their inbox.
Does the goal of 100% completion include all disciplines (nurses, administrative, educators, managers, physicians/NPs, etc.)?
Yes. We are striving to have all team members and physicians complete the survey.
If team members have access to their UMMS email at home, can they take the survey at home?
Yes. If are using your UMMS email account, you can access the survey anywhere that you can access your UMMS email.
Can I forward the survey email to my personal email address?
UMMS email guidelines advise against sharing or forwarding email from your UMMS account.
What if the team member does not have an UMMS e-mail address?
Any team member without an email address on file with UMMS may access the survey through a special link that will be available on the One UMMS One ASK webpage starting March 8. There will be two easy-to-find links: one for team members and one for physicians.
We have a team member who has an UMMS address but did not receive the survey email. Should she access the survey through the One UMMS One ASK webpage?
All team members and physicians with UMMS email addresses should have received a unique link to the survey. Encourage the team member to check their Junk Email folder, just in case. If they did not receive the survey link, they can click here to access the information for taking the survey as a team member.
At the end of the survey, you are asked if you are interested in being added to a drawing. It says that Press Ganey will give your name to HR if you answer yes. How does Press Ganey know your name if the survey respondent doesn’t supply it?
To allow Press Ganey to analyze results by area, they assigned each survey respondent a unique survey link. This is how they are able to provide HR with the names of individuals who wanted to be entered to win the UMMS rewards points.
My team members are a part of the Psychiatric Occupational Therapy group. We work in psychiatry, but the nurse/unit managers are not their supervisors, as the OTs report to me. How should they respond on leadership questions?
The reporting structure for One UMMS One ASK is managed through the HRIS system, and results are compiled using the official supervisor/HR reporting structure. Advise your team members to respond based on their supervisor as listed in HR.
I am a licensed psychologist and an ambassador for our Department of Psychology and Neuropsychology at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital. How should we answer the primary provider role question?
In this case, practitioner/specialist is the most appropriate response.
Is there a minimum amount of time that a team member must have worked at UMMS to be eligible to complete the survey?
Yes. Team members must have been employed by UMMS for a minimum of 60 days — or must have started work by January 8, 2021 — to be eligible to take the survey. This allows time for team members to understand the environment and make observations for improvement.
Some of our staff are unable to access the survey because they either never received the link or their credentials do not open the survey via the QR code attempt. Who should they contact?
If a team member or physician is unable to access the link and they have been employed since January 8 or earlier, please contact your HR Business Partner or the Press Ganey Client Support Desk at
Updated: 5/13/2021